by Eric Holl, Executive Director, Real Reform Louisiana
March 9, 2022
We’re in a full-blown insurance crisis across South Louisiana as thousands of families and business owners get taken advantage of by their insurance companies. But to listen to Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon and the insurance lobbyists he invited to speak at his annual LDI conference on Monday and Tuesday, the real crisis is that the legislature might actually do something to give hurricane victims a fighting chance when they file a claim.
The conference saw the launch of a full-scale effort by the commissioner and his industry allies to downplay the issues Louisianans are having with insurance. They indicated they will do everything possible to maintain the unacceptable status quo with platitudes and feel-good legislation that does little to change the insurance environment. If they’re successful it will ensure that more Louisianans will suffer the same abuse from insurance companies after the next storm.
You can view the conference agenda here. Here are some of the informational sessions that were offered that we attended:
It’s shameful, but it’s no surprise coming from the insurance commissioner that has overseen Louisiana’s market as we have become the most expensive state for car insurance and allowed insurance companies to run roughshod over thousands of South Louisiana hurricane victims. The insurance commissioner shouldn’t be teaming up with the insurance industry to fight against policyholders, but if the LDI conference is any indication, that’s what we’ll see during this legislative session.